Eve Asante is the Managing Director of Asante and Partners, specializing in investment consulting and project manaagement. With over 8 years of experience, she fosters investment opportunities between UK and Africa, managing project from inception to completion.
She founded the Social Responsibility Project, impacting over 160,000 youths in Ghana through job creations, entrepreneurship, and skills development. Supported by organizations like the commonwealth and UNDP, Eve is dedicated to driving Africa's sustainable growth.
Eve Asante

Elinam Ablah Horgli is an entrepreneur, change maker, and youth and gender activist. She is Group Secreatary for the Horgle Group, Deptuy Managing Director of JK Horgie Transport, Chairman of HASK Petroleum, and involved in real estate and agriculture. Passionate about sustainability, she leads a firm focused on commutiy development, career coaching, and FMCG trade.
Elinam founded The Ebiah Foundation to improve maternal health, early childhood learning, and youth skills in Africa. A champion of women's rights, she partnered with Miss Taxi Ghana to train and employ female petroleum tanker drivers. With several awards, she encourages young women to dream big and persist.
Elinam Ablah Horgli

Cat Davision is the CEO of EduSpots, a network that empowers over 10,00 learneers annually in Ghana and Kenya through community-led practical education. She previously taugh philosophy, coached sports, and created the institute of Service and Social Entrepreneurship at Sevenoaks School.
With a background in philosopphy, management, and education, Cat has worked with over 500 local educational Catalysts acroos Africa, leading the development of the EduSpots network. Recognized for her impact, she was a finalist for the 2021 UNESCO Global Teacher Prize and is a 2024 Gratitude Network fellow.
Cat Davison

Emmanuel Anti is a final year Entrepreneurship student at Academic City University with a passion for finance and financial literacy, particularly among the youth. He focuses on creating innovative solutions that empower young people to make informed financial decisions and build sustainable futures.
Emmanuel Anti

Eugene Ewusi-Annan is a social innovator, financial analyst, and creative. He co-founded NadèLI Creative, a social enterprise that raised $10,000 and developed capacity-building programs to support over 36 student creatives from low to middle-income backgrounds. These programs provided platforms for creatives to upskill and explore alternative employment opportunities.
At The Or Foundation, Eugene leads community-driven interventions that transform secondhand clothing recovery practitioners into sustainable businesses. Passionate about addressing structural inequalities, he collaborates with cultural and creative industries (CCIs) to empower under-resourced communities through sustainable development frameworks.
Eugene Ewusi-Annan